新闻和杂志Joomla 5 Joomla 4和Joomla 3圣殿

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Creato: 15 nov 2018

Aggiornato: 14 giu 2024

ID: 74344

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Eranews新闻和杂志Joomla 5 Joomla 4和Joomla 3 Template -图像特征1Eranews新闻和杂志Joomla 5 Joomla 4和Joomla 3 Template -图像特征2Eranews新闻和杂志Joomla 5 Joomla 4和Joomla 3 Template -图像特征3

Eranews è un modello Joomla per notizie uniche, rivista creato per portali di notizie, siti Web di riviste , agenzie di stampa, riviste aziendali, 技术网站和各种出版物或评论网站. Ha 9 layout di home page.

对于基于T3框架和Bootstrap网格的小型企业和商业新闻网站来说,这也是一个很好的解决方案. 这个Joomla模型有很多重音组合, versioni scure e chiare, 罐装的,宽的,完全反应性的版本. 设计适用于任何设备(桌面、平板电脑和智能手机). È stato creato utilizzando Bootstrap 3, Awesome Google Font, LESS, CSS3, HTML5 che lo rende più potente e flessibile

Eranews提供了强大而著名的T3框架,这使得这个主题具有高度的灵活性, 例如,你可以很容易地改变你的皮肤或定义你的风格, carattere tipografico, ecc.


  • Compatibile con Joomla 3.x, Joomla 4.x e l'ultima versione Joomla 5.x
  • Design completamente reattivo
  • Framework T3 utilizzato, semplice da usare, potente e flessibile
  • 12种预先设置的颜色风格,可以选择用T3框架的主题主题功能创建自己的风格
  • 3 opzioni per il tipo di sfondo (immagine fissa, con motivi e tinta unita)
  • 5 stili MegaMenu (Dissolvenza, Zoom, Diapositiva, Elastico ecc.)
  • 许多模块位置和组合具有灵活性T3
  • 9 Variazioni della home page
  • Versioni chiare e scure
  • 16 caratteri Google (Oswald, Rajdhani, PT Sans, side,Open Sans, Source Sans Pro等).)
  • 每个身体和标题有几个谷歌字符选项(Oswald), Rajdhani, PT Sans, Lato, Open Sans, Source Sans Pro ecc.)
  • Intestazione appiccicosa
  • Layout a larghezza intera e a larghezza scatolata
  • Barra laterale fuori tela
  • 存取模块和录制风格与流畅动画
  • Bootstrap 3和字体很棒.5 per le versioni Jooml4 e 5)
  • Video ed estensione della galleria video
  • Pacchetto di avvio rapido con dati fittizi
  • Trasmissione di foto su Flickr
  • Layout fino a 3 colonne
  • Pagina Google Map-Contatti
  • Pagine di portfolio diverse con Portfolio semplice SP
  • Combinazioni multiple di layout di pagina
  • Esempi di layout del blog
  • Variazioni dei moduli personalizzati
  • Novità Modulo Pro GK5
  • Iscriviti alla mailing list
  • Logo immagine o testo
  • Colori e combinazioni di sfondo illimitati
  • Pagina 404 facile da usare
  • Tipografia T3 estesa
  • Joomla模型覆盖了T3和扩展的文档



-30/05/2024 Joomla 4-5 Version, Akeeba backup Updated. -23/03/2024 Joomla 4-5版本,Akeeba备份和T3插入更新. -16/02/2024
Joomla 4-5 Version, Akeeba backup Updated. -26/12/2023
Joomla 4-5 Version, AcyMailing Updated. -21/11/2023 连接新闻布局的Enable Date bug Pro GK5修复 -12/11/2023
Joomla 4 Version, T3 Plugin Updated和Akeeba备份Updated. -25/10/2023
Joomla 4 Version, Joomla 5 Version添加T3 Plugin Updated和Akeeba备份Updated. -17/10/2023 Joomla 4版本,T3插电更新和Akeeba备份更新. -06/07/2023 内容滑块,新闻专业GK3, Yendif视频共享和Akeeba备份更新. -31/05/2023 Joomla 4 Version, T3 Plugin Updated和Akeeba备份Updated.

  • 06/04/2023 Joomla 4 Version and Akeeba Backup Updated. -02/03/2023 Joomla 4 Version Updated. Hide on Mobile option added for submain positions -12/02/2023 Joomla 4 Version Updated -10/01/2023 User Reported Modal bug fixed on Joomla 4 Version. -03/01/2023用户在Joomla 4 Version上提交了更少的bug修复. JT Content Slider updated -28/12/2022用户在Joomla 4 Version上转发Pagenav bug. JT Content Slider updated -19/12/2022 User Reported Minor bug fixed on Joomla 4 Version -15/12/2022 Joomla 4 Version and T3 plugin Updated. Highlighter GK link Problem fixed. Regards.Problem fixed. Regards.

  • 06/12/2022 Joomla 4 Version and T3 Plugin Updated

  • 18/11/2022 Joomla 4 Version Updated

  • 31/10/2022 Joomla版本,SP简单的投资组合,T3 Plugin和Acymailing更新

  • 06/05/2022 Joomla 4 Version added Eranews现在是Joomla 4同情

  • 28/04/2022 Joomla version, Acymailing updated

  • 18/02/2022 Joomla version, Acymailing updated

  • 20/12/2021 Joomla version, Acymailing updated

  • 2011年11月18日,Joomla version, SP简单投资组合,Acymailing, T3插电更新

  • 13/09/2021 Joomla version, SP简单的投资组合,T3插插更新

  • 17/06/2021 Joomla version, T3 Plugin updated

  • 25/04/2021 Joomla version, SP简单的投资组合,无邮件更新

  • 05/03/2021 Joomla version, SP简单的投资组合,无邮件更新

  • 13/01/2021 Joomla version, SP简单的投资组合,Acymailing更新

  • 28/11/2020 Joomla version updated to latest 3.9.23 ,Acymailing updated

  • 07/10/2020 Joomla version updated to latest 3.9.22

  • 26/08/2020 Joomla version updated to latest 3.9.21

  • 15/07/2020 Joomla version updated to latest 3.9.20

  • 15/06/2020 User reported minor bug fixed

  • 08/06/2020 Joomla version updated to latest 3.9.19 - SP Simple Portfolio Updated

  • 22/04/2020 Joomla version updated to latest 3.9.18

  • 12/03/2020 Joomla version updated to latest 3.9.16

  • 30/01/2020 Joomla version updated to latest 3.9.15 SP Simple Portfolio Updated

  • 28/12/19 Joomla version updated to latest 3.9.14

  • 07/11/19 Joomla version updated to latest 3.9.13, T3 Plugin updated to 2.7.5 adn Dotted Overlay Option added to Main Slider

  • 25/09/19 Joomla version updated to latest 3.9.12

  • 21/08/19 Joomla version updated to latest 3.9.11 All videos plugin updated

  • 14/07/19 Joomla version updated to latest 3.9.10

  • 12/06/19 Joomla verison updated to latest 3.9.8 and Sp Simple Portfolio Updated

  • 09/05/19 Joomla version updated to latest 3.9.6

  • 15/04/19 Joomla version updated to latest 3.9.5 and T3 Plugin updated to 2.7.4

  • 13/02/19 Joomla version updated to latest 3.9.3

  • 21/01/19 Joomla version updated to latest 3.9.2

5 Recensioni per questo prodotto

Very easy to configure. Great for news and information services. Good design and constructions.
INTERMORE PAWEL SADLOWSKI, thanks for choosing us.
很好的模板,及时提供的服务很有帮助. very happy.
直到这个公司,我只从smartaddons买了时间.com, as for me this template is very fast, 比任何人都快,不需要安装额外的穿衣以获得最佳效果. You are great guys! Thanx a lot
Thanks Mate
What can i say. 这是我所见过的最好的圣堂武士,现在也很自豪地使用它. It is beautifully designed and easily customised. The Support is more can i could possibly expect . Ali is very helpful and will get the job done. 如果你想要巨大的支持和专业的圣殿,那就别再往前看了. You wont regret it
Dear Ron Thank you so much for your glowing review! 我们惊恐地听到,我们的圣殿已经超出了你的期望,你正在寻找这两个美丽的设计和易于定制的. We take pride in providing exceptional support, 我们很高兴听到我们一直在帮助你. 如果你还需要什么或有什么问题,不要犹豫去找. 我们来这里是为了确保你的经历继续成为头条新闻. Thanks again for choosing our template!
用喷嘴做一个webzine y.
Thanks for choosing us. We are happy to hear this.

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